2 x 30ml Shot
6 x 300ml Juice
6 x 500ml Juice
Phase 2:
2 x 30ml Shot
1 x 300ml Juice
14 x 500ml Juice
Phase 3: (for 23 days)
7 x 30ml Shot
4 x 300ml Post Juice
36 x 500ml Juice, Smoothie and Milk
Phase 3: (for 30 days)
14 x 30ml Shot
35 x 500ml Juice, Smoothie and Milk
Not inclusive of Ginger Tea, Smooth Move Tea, Dandelion Tea, Olive Oil and Epsom Salt
Please purchase the Smooth Move tea:
Please purchase the Ginger tea:
Please purchase the Dandelion tea:
Please purchase the Olive oil:
Please purchase the Epsom Salt: (you will need 4 packets of these)