UCAN is a small low-cost open source USB to CAN adapter, compatible with CANable hardware. The UCAN enumerates as a virtual serial port on the computer and acts as a serial-line for the CAN bus interface. With the alternative Candlelight firmware, UCAN is enumerated as the native CAN interface on Linux. The UCAN adapter is compatible with ARM-based embedded platforms such as Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Zero, ODROID, BeagleBone, etc. At the same time, it can also be used as USB to CAN application on Klipper.
FYSETC UCAN Board Based on STM32F072 USB to CAN Adapter Support with CAnable / CandleLight / Klipper firmware
- Based on STM32F072
- Type-C USB socket
- Supports CAN2.0A and B, baud rates up to 1M - Compatible with CANable
- Support with CAnable / CandleLight / Klipper firmware
- 3-pin screw terminal: CANH, CANL, GND - Jumper to enter bootloader for firmware updates
- Onboard 120R termination default or Jumper to enable/disable termination
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