Activated carbon has special properties that allow it to remove VOCs, odors and other pollutants in the air. We sell these in conveniently sized bags, vacuum sealed to prolong life. You can use this in your nevermore filters, or any other filtration to remove VOCs and odors from 3D printing.
Acid washed carbon can rust your equipment, because of this genuine Nevermore Carbon are not acid washed. These are available in 2 sizes, standard (approx. 25oz) and XL (approx. 75oz) in volume (not weight).
Nevermore Carbon is the best activated carbon for 3D printer use the project has found after speaking to most major, vetted suppliers, offering benzene adsorption of up to 48 wt%, surface area of 1250 and CTC value of 80. A portion of our purchase has supported the Nevermore project.
Nevermore Scorch is an evolved filtration material specifically designed to improve performance for heated 3D printing chambers. Normal Activated Carbon (including Nevermore) loses efficiency at certain temperatures (typically over 60C you will see a significant drop in performance). Scorch adds heat resistance and also filters out more of the VOCs when mixed together with Nevermore Carbon.
Please note, the activated carbon helps but no product on the market today completely removes VOCs - please continue to follow safe printing habits.